FJR1300 International > General Chat

Hallo, I want to introduce myself

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Welcome back in Italy, Kees (this time virtually...  :wink: ).
Come to visit us every now and then, and let us know your future plans for Italy tours!

Hello Kees
Also a warm welcome from an Austrian FJR pilot who is visiting this forum quite regularly.
Best regards

Welcome form Gian and Sarix too! :-)


--- Citazione da: "cmvandevelde" ---Hallo everybody,

I want to let you know that I am a Dutch FJR1300A biker. Greetings from Holland.

Kees van de Velde
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A warm welcome to you, Kees! let us know if u come over sometimes again and we'll be all happy to greet u personally here in Italy.

Wishing you long, safe and amusing rides on yr. FJR



--- Citazione da: "Spart70" ---I forgot I have looked at photo on your page FJR and I have noticed photo while you were doing something on the chain of distribution. Of thing him and done treat a control or an intervention??
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Hello Spart. Now I know where I can find you again! where the hell did you hide till know?

It'a a pleasure to read again of you.

Pls., greet Aneta & Cristina for me



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